JSON Report Format Documentation
The preferred reporting format for Purrpackage generates several
file of JSON data containing the data, then renders these with static
DHTML templates. This makes it a simple matter to produce new style
and types of re-usable reports, just by copying static files. This
document describes the JSON data produced by the report.
The JSON report produces two types of files.
- coverageData.json
- This contains coverage data in a tree
down to the Class level, but not to the method level.
- (package-name).(sourceFileName).json
- This contains
coverage data for a source file, down to the line level, and also
contains text of that source file, if it is available.
Each type has a different format. They have in common a format for
the hierarchy of summary coverage data.
Coverage Data JSON format
- filesRead
- Array of the names of files used in building the
report. These are cobertura ".ser" files, plus the "purrpackage.db"
properties file.
- errorFree
- Boolean value. If the readerErrors or
calculatorErrors are not both empty, this will be false.
- readerErrors
- Array of human readable strings describing
errors in reading the files produced by purrpackage, if there were
any. This usually indicates some failure in the build process, perhaps
from not writing the coverage data to an empty directory.
- calculatorErrors
- Array of readable strings describing
unexpected problems in the data, if any. These errors usually
indiciate some failure in the build process, especially mixing old and
new coverage data in the same directory.
- data
- The root node of the coverage data tree for the project, see below.
Coverage Data Tree Node Format
The "data" property of the project data and the "coverage" property
of the source files have the following format.
- name
- The key of this node in its parent's children map
- displayName
- The string best for display
- orderingObject
- Object that represents the most natural
sorted order. Usually, it is just the value of "name" as a
String. However, for Source Files, this is the base name, without the
package. For methods, it is the number of the first line of the
- childKeys
- Iterable list of the keys in the "children"
property, below, in the order prescribed by their orderingObject
- children
- Map (associative array) of child nodes. The keys
are the elements of the childKeys array, and the values are tree node
objects with properties like this one for elements of a finer
granularity. The parent/child heirarchy is as follows:
- Project
- Package
- Source File
- Class (there maybe more than one class per Source File.)
- Method
- Line
The depths of the hierarchy in the "coverageData.json" file is from
Project to Class. (Finer granularity in this format would require this
file to be several megabytes for a project like the Apache Commons
Math example.) The source file JSON "coverage" property contains data
for that source file down to the lines.
- lineCounts
- A javascript object representing the line
coverage for this node. The properties are:
- valid
- Number of valid lines
- covered
- Number of lines covered by all tests
- missed
- Number of lines missed by all tests
- rate
- Coverage rate for all tests as a double. Null if
there are no valid lines.
- samePackageCovered
- Number of lines covered by tests in the same pacakge.
- samePackageMissed
- Number of lines missed by tests in the same pacakge.
- samePackageRate
- Coverage rate for tests in the same
package. Null if there are not valid lines.
- allCovered
- Boolean value of "missed == 0," provided for
- allSamePackageCovered
- Boolean value of "samePackageMissed
== 0," provided for convenience.
- branchCounts
- Like lineCounts, but representing branch
coverage. The properties are the same as for lineCounts, but the
values are with respect to branches rather than lines. Lines with no
branches are not counted, of course.
- elementCounts
- A javascript object representing line and
branch coverage together. Here, an "element" is a line or a branch on
a line: a line with an if/then branch counts for 3 elements. The
properties are the same as for lineCounts, but values are with respect
to elements.
- complexity
- For Project, Package, and Source File data
only, a measure of the complexity of the code. This is as in plain
Cobertura reports, computed from JavaNCSS.
- hits
- For Line data only, the number of times this line was
covered by all tests.
- samePackageHits
- As hits, but for tests in the same package.
- branchHits
- For Line data only, array of the number of
times each branch on the line was hit by all tests.
- samePackageBranchHits
- As branchHits, but for tests in the same package.
- sourceFileLineCount
- For Source Files only, the number of
lines that can be read from the source, or 0 if the source cannot be
read. (This is useful for building a link to a method's position in a
source file, and needs to be here in order to not have to load all the
source files to build the links.)
Additional coverage node properties
The following properties are computed when the JSON files are loaded
- parent
- A link to the parent node in the coverage data
- allTestResults
- If a coverage policy is successfully applied, the root, package,
and source file nodes have this property that describes the results of
applying the policy to this node. It is an associative array; at the
moment, the only key is "main," reflecting the results of the main
policy. The value of "allTestResults['main']" is an object with the
following properties:
- passedWithChildren()
- Boolean valued function that is true
if the node and all its descendents satisfied the policy
- passed
- Boolean: Did this node satisfy the policy, irrespective of
its children?
- allChildrenPassed
- Boolean: Did every descendent node satisfy the
- results
- Array of results of individual tests defined in
the policy, in the order that they are defined by the "toHave(...)"
clauses. Each has two properties: "passed" to indicate whether the
clause was satisfied of not; and "exceptionRule" which is the index of
the decisive "exceptIf" clause, 0 meaning the main clause, 1, the first exception, etc..
Source File JSON Format
A JSON file is generated for each Java Source file, with the
following properties.
- name
- Name of the source file.
- package
- Package that this source file belongs to. Enables
a link back to the main coverage data tree.
- coverage
- The coverage data tree node for this source file,
with nodes as described above. The root is the source file's node,
with class nodes below it (often 1, but more if there are inner
classes), then method nodes, and line nodes.
- lines
- Associative array of line data for the source
file. Key is string value of the line number. Value is an object with
the following properties:
- number
- Integer line number.
- html
- Text of the line, with html annotations for Java
key-words, comments, and string constants.
- coverage
- Line coverage data. This is provided only for
source lines with coverage data. This is provided for convenience,
since it is 3 generations removed from the source file's coverage
- issue
- There are a variety of issues in the build that can
affect this object, which is contains a brief description of the
short-coming, if there is one. For example, the coverage data may be
computed, but perhaps the text of the source file cannot be found. It
is possible that line data are not available. If there are issues, the
lines property may not be populated even if the coverage property